Happy New Year!
Okay, so it's been a ridiculously long time since my last post. I actually have taken pictures of several different dolls for the blog, but never quite managed to post them. New year, new attitude, and new plan.
There has been a tag game on Flickr recently, as well as threads on the doll boards to name our favorite dolls from 2012. Since I tend to love just about every doll I see, that's a big challenge for me! So I started with a group shot of all the regular Fashion Royalty and NuFace dolls from the year that I got and kept.
FRONT ROW (L-R): Harley (Live, Work, Play Giselle), Nadine (World On a String Eugenia Perrin Frost), MIDDLE ROW (L-R): Michael (And Another Thing Kyori Sato), Jolene (Always On Her Mind Dania Zarr), Delilah (Wrap-Ture Anja), Zooey (High End Envy Erin Salston), Irene (High Point Vanessa Perrin), Mandy (Shake It Up Korinne Raven), Addison (Resort Restyles Workshop Veronique Perrin), Natalia (Ready to Dare Natalia Fatale), Randi (Fame by Frame Imogen), Norma (Giselle Diefendorf as Norma Desmond), BACK ROW (L-R): Summer (Haute Societe Veronique Perrin), Aubrey (Force of Nature Agnes von Weiss), Hannah (Sweet Victory Natalia Fatale), Frankie (Lead Singles Lilith), Maggie (Lead Singles Eden), Santana (High Profile Eugenia Perrin Frost), Meg (Glam Addict Giselle Diefendorf), Kitten (Lady In Red Erin Salston), Faith (Truly Madly Deeply Agnes von Weiss), Nina (Main Event Adele Makeda), Michaela (Main Attitude Adele Makeda), Lucy (Sweet Nothings Gretel Eden), Irina (Sweet Smell of Success Veronique Perrin), Leyla (Fame by Frame Imogen Raven), Ranelle (Trust Your Instincts Jordan), April (Shake It Up Korinne), Jo (Fresh Tropical Look Workshop Anja) |
I automatically disqualified Workshop Anja from the running for "Best of the Year," since by design, she is a OOAK doll, and I only felt it was fair to include factory dolls. Her face was painted (and quite beautifully) by Jon Copeland.
From that point, in order to narrow my choices down to FIVE, which seemed nearly impossible to me, I started eliminating my lesser favorites. By the time I got down to 10, I decided I couldn't narrow the field any more, so here are my Top 10 dolls for 2012 -- at the moment.
I am a little more surprised by who ended up not being in my Top 10 than I am who is actually here (no Agnes?! Unheard of! And I was quite sure Imogen and Lilith had secure spots near the top of my list). But like I said, this is the top 10 at the moment -- it's a very fluid list, and especially as you get to the middle and bottom of the list, the rankings change frequently.
10. Irene (High Point Vanessa Perrin)
I find this Vanessa to be incredibly beautiful -- glamorous golden blonde hair in my favorite hair style, sophisticated facial screening, and a return to the open-mouth Vanessa who was so beloved by so many of us. Irene got her name from actress Laura Stone, who played Irene Ellis on Days of Our Lives.
I don't really understand why this doll seems to be so under-appreciated. Sure, the dress she came in almost landed her on many Worst Dressed lists, but the doll herself is gorgeous. And I actually quite liked her shoes and accessories.
9. Meg (Glam Addict Giselle)
This Giselle offering marked the return of Fashion Royalty to the gorgeous, glamorous gift sets that are such a part of their past -- gift sets like A Brighter Side Kyori and Fashion Plate Veronique. I love the fact that when this Giselle is standing beside the raven Head for Glamour Agnes, they look like sisters.
I named her Meg after Meg Snyder on As the World Turns, played by Marie Wilson.
8. Jolene (Always On Her Mind Dania Zarr)

When we saw the promo pictures of the Spring line at the online event, I wasn't overly blown away by Dania. Still, I am a huge fan of the sculpt, so I ordered her anyway. When she arrived, she was better than I expected. But then, my friend, Elisa Cetera, posted pictures of Dania with her hair relaxed/straightened, and I was blown away. There was the glamour girl I was looking for! I couldn't get her head into hot water fast enough -- and the result was fabulous! She looks great in absolutely anything -- glammed up or dressed down. She is right at home in my Top 10 for the year.
I named her Jolene after Amanda Baker's General Hospital character, Jolene Crowell.
7. Santana (High Profile Eugenia Perrin Frost)

This doll is absolutely stunning. I wasn't a fan of her original fashion, but redressed, she is amazing. I think she will be as sought after as Fine Jewel and Spectacular! Spectacular! Eugenia. I love her hair, her skin tone, those piercing eyes.... It was absolutely thrilling to see her for the first time, standing in the center of the final event tables at Convention.
She got her name from Santana Adrade on Santa Barbara, played by Wanda de Jesus.
6. April (Shake It Up Korinne)

I loved this doll from the first moment I saw her promo pics from IFDC. I thought she was absolutely stunning. Still, I expected to like the other IFDC dolls, Rayna and Kesenia, better. I did not. They have since left my collection. But this girl is one of the stars of my collection. I don't think I could love her more. I named her April, after Sheree Wilson's character on Dallas, April Stevens.
I just want to point out that as the rankings get higher, the choices become more difficult. Not having the blonde Shake It Up Korinne in the Top 5 seems almost sacrilege. Just know that these top dolls have pretty much interchangeable rankings. If my house were on fire, I would try to grab all of them -- not just one of them.
5. Nina (Main Event Adele Makeda)
I love her so much! I must say the new Adele sculpt has totally grown on me. By the time this past convention rolled around, I actually took Style Counsel Adele with me to Orlando. I had really grown to appreciate her beauty. She still didn't say "Adele" to me, but I loved her. But when I saw THIS Adele, I almost died. She is perfection! The only reason I decided to have her as low as #5 is that there is another Adele in the Top 5.
I named her Nina after Nina Blackstone -- Iman's character in Exit to Eden.
4. Addison (Resort Restyles Workshop Veronique Perrin)

I love me a redhead. And this Veronique also has my favorite doll hairstyle. Add to that her gorgeous screening (the same as Style Counsel Veronique) and the fact that she looks amazing in absolutely everything -- what's not to love? She photographs like a dream, and Veronique and Adele have always been my favorite characters. And yes, I will admit that with all the outstanding Veronique dolls we've been given this year, I have allowed myself to think of the new Veronique sculpt as Veronique. I absolutely adore Veronique v.1, and I have really liked Veronique v.2, but kept them categorized separately in my mind. But now, to me, they are a long line of gorgeous dolls that are the same character.
She was named Addison after Kate Walsh's character, Addison Montgomery, on Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy.
3. Kitten (Lady In Red Erin Salston)

I have never really been an Erin fan. I only had two in my collection -- Psychedelic Splash, the centerpiece doll from the 2011 Convention, and "Pure," the raven NuFantasy doll inspired by Snow White. But this is a sculpt "refresher" that Integrity hit right on the head. I think this re-sculpt looks more human, and fits in much better with the rest of my collection. I loved High End Envy Erin, and couldn't wait to see Lady In Red at convention. When I first saw her, I was completely underwhelmed. I thought she was pretty, but she reminded me of that girl we all knew in high school -- the sweet, painfully shy but pretty girl who sat alone in the corner at dances. Not the usual "glam" that I go for in my doll collecting. Luckily for me, I decided to redress her before I put her on the chopping block. Redressed, she really came to life.As you can see from her ranking, she is a definite favorite, and could just as easily be #1.
She was named Kitten after the Kirsten Dunst character, Kitten Margolis, on Sisters.
Quick cell phone shot taken right on the shelf, with no thought to lighting or composition. Still, I think she looks fabulous! |
2. Mandy (Shake It Up Korinne Raven)

When we were first told that there would be "raffle dolls" at Convention, that would be color-variations of an IFDC dolls, I said out loud to a friend, "Oh, PLEASE let there be a raven Korinne!" Apparently, the universe was listening. I bought so many raffle tickets I more than paid for the doll, but I have never been lucky at raffles or anything of the sort. So when my friend was lucky enough to win two of her, my first thought was that I might be able to buy her. But then I saw that amazing friend walking across the banquet room toward me. My heart was pounding in my ears. I was completly speechless when she placed her in my hands. You've heard people say "I almost fell out of my chair" -- but I literally thought I was going to. That moment is one of the highlights of my life -- not so much because of the doll herself, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE -- but because that was probably the most generous, kind, overwhelming gesture of love and friendship I've ever recieved. Truly something I will never forget, and a wonderful memory I get to relive every time I look at Mandy.
Photo by JennFL2. Used by permission. |
Since her platinum twin was named after a character on Dallas, I thought it fitting to keep the theme going for this doll. Hence she is named Mandy, after Deborah Shelton's character, Mandy Winger.
1. Michaela (Main Attitude Adele Makeda)
Main Attitude is the perfect name for this doll. I don't think I have ever opened a doll's box and been so struck with attitude in my life -- not even when I first opened Silver Zinger or Optic Verve Agnes! I am guilty of assigning personalities to my dolls -- it's just fun. I keep wanting to write photo stories for them, but I can't imagine how much time would be involved with setting up scenes, etc. But I digress. As I was deboxing this Adele, I was carefully and gently trying to loosen the laces on her fabulous shoes, and I tore up both shoes. The scenario that played out in my mind over those shoes was really funny to me. Does laughing out loud at my own thoughts make me crazier than having the thoughts in the first place?
When this Adele saw her ruined shoes, she shrieked at me, "My Alexander McQueens! I never even got to wear them!" And that is when I made my big mistake -- I told her that they were Alexander McQueen-INSPIRED.
I could just picture her, flying at my face, as if drawn by a magnet, beating me and clawing at my eyes with her tiny hands. The only thing that calmed her was my telling her that the shoes were Jason Wu. I don't think Jason actually personally designed those shoes, so it's not exactly the truth, but one must protect oneself at all costs.
I do love a doll that exudes attitude, but that's not where it ends with this doll. Absolutely everything about her is perfect (as, I'm sure, will be her replacement shoes, when they arrive). I love her suit, jewelry, and that wrap! TDF! To me, she is very Beverly Johnson -- and that's how she got her name -- from Beverly Johnson's role in the film, The Cover Girl Murders.